Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Welcome to the Aponponno .com website, this site operated by Aponponnon    Ltd. The privacy policy of the website is set in such a way that the information of each customer and the information of the sellers does not go to any other or third party and the information is stored with complete protection.

 All of our member is committed to storing all information accurately so that no information is lost or corrupted or written down in any way so that no customer is cheated.

What information we collected to you? is an organization where all the information is collected from the customer which is very important for the delivery of the product and the safe delivery of the product to the customer.


Here some profile data is collected like customer's username, password etc. through which basically a customer's profile is created and we take utmost care to keep these things safe at all times and to ensure security of this information.


Certain information is collected for the identification of a customer, including the customer's photo, National ID photo for special needs, home address, etc., which is very important for the proper delivery of products to a customer and for product security.


Some personal information is collected for special purposes such as customer name age gender address etc. which we treat as personal information.

·         YOUR CONSENT

Here every information is collected with the consent of the customer and if the customer does not agree to give any information, he cannot give it but in special cases the information is very important for the correct delivery of the order and product so we collect this information for the correct delivery of others but with the consent of the customer According to and the customer can change this information or remove the information from our website.

Our website collects customer and buyer information separately.

If you are a customer:

This the information we collect from you such as your name, email address, address, gender, date of birth, poster address, telephone number, mobile number, payment details, payment card details or Bank Account Details etc.

If you are a buyer:

The information we collect from you:

1.    Identity data such as your name Gender Profile picture Date of birth

2.    Concert data such as Building address, home address, Delivery address or location’ Email address ‘Phone number’ Telephone number

3.    Biometric data such as voice file and face recognition so that we can be sure of your authentic paper when you enter this site. 

4.     Transaction data such as Order and payment other details of products and services related to you.

5.     Profile data Like your name Password Account settings Your preferences and interests


Why we collected your information?

We collect various types of information from you, so that your product can reach you properly and without any kind of problem.  There are also some reasons which are mentioned below:

1. Product update or product delivery update so that we can inform you at the right time. 

2.  So that there is no problem of payment transition.

3.  To give you the right service. 

4.  Our website so that you can purchase for your choice. 

5.  To avoid misleading our customers by taking more information from the buyers than we have from the sellers.


Security of your information

It is our responsibility to provide security beyond the information we collect from customers and vendors. We do not want this information to be misused in any way.  We are very aware in that regard; we have all kinds of security measures.  All kinds of technical and administrative support buyers and sellers get from us.  We are always aware and provide maximum security to ensure that their information does not get into the hands of any third party.

Your right to withdraw or change Data  

Our website is a website where anyone like customer or seller can withdraw or change their information. They can delete their information from our website at once.  Anyone can change their information as per their wish, if they want to change any of their personal information, they can easily change it.


